A Holiday Message from EWI Works President Dr. Linda L. Miller

EWI Works Team 2020
What a year it’s been! During a time when many industries are facing major changes, I can proudly say we’re growing and expanding. This is, in part, because we’re changing, too – in a good way. This year, I made it a mission to broaden our offerings and services. Ergonomics is still the core of our business, but it’s very linked to other aspects of health. Your comfort at work is tied to how much you move and sleep, what you do in your personal life, how you eat, your mental wellness, and, well, just about everything. I took this mindset into redesigning our Office Ergonomics Essentials course and I can safely say, it’s never looked better. The bottom line is, when it comes to health, wellness, and comfort, proper ergonomics is essential. But why stop there? We’re continuing to expand into the tech space to help us serve you better and contribute to a healthy society. We’ve already released several apps and have a few more in the kitchen.

Blivey Inc.

In fact, I was even able to act on my vision to launch a sister company, Blively Inc. Its focus is to develop holistic Health & Wellness Technologies that make your life and being healthy as easy as possible. Stay tuned for apps, courses, and resources on sleep, nutrition, movement, and more! It was also a big year for the EWI Works team! Donald MacDonald became our Vice President, Andrea Opyr ran in the Triathlon World Finals in Switzerland, Andrew Seal won a media award for his reporting on the refugee crisis in Europe, and Tobi Durowoju joined us as a new Senior Ergonomist! Beyond that, we added associates Brad Kauffman and Farzana Ismaili, and a new Executive Assistant, Rebecca Peirson. Our growing team reflects the international outlook we are taking into 2020. EWI Works is now offering its services in the United States, Mexico, and beyond. We have some major announcements to watch for in the year ahead and sincerely want to thank everyone who has helped us make it this far. We look forward to seeing you in 2020! Best Wishes, – Linda.