Office Ergonomics Essentials is designed to train an organization’s personnel to conduct basic, in-house office ergonomic assessments, as well as to support colleagues who work in home offices. Join us in February!

Upcoming Events

May 24, 2023 - EWI Works' Edmonton Office: 5677-99 Street NW, Unit 201.

Office Ergonomics Essentials Course – Edmonton – May 24-25

June 14, 2023 - Online

Office Ergonomics Essentials Virtual Course - June 14-15

It’s essential to build movement and postural changes into our daily lives, something that has become increasingly challenging as technology does more and more work for us. Compared to 1970, the average person in industrialized countries expends 60-70% less energy. But, how much movement do we need? And, how do we incorporate this into our modern lifestyles? In “Movement For Life” you’ll learn everything you need to know to build healthy levels of activity into your day.

Is your desk ergonomically set up?

Are you experiencing back or shoulder pain at work? Use our Workstation Setup Checklist to ensure that you’re set up for success. Click through our diagram to see what factors we consider when setting up an office work station and follow our directions on how to set your desk up.


Office and industrial assessments focus on identification of ergonomic concerns.
These can potentially lead to worker discomfort, injury, and loss.

Online Training

On demand industry-specific training.
This will help your employees manage ergonomic concerns within their workplace.

In-Person Training

Designed specifically for office, lab, manufacturing or field staff.
This will help employees identify ergonomic concerns and strategies to minimize their risk for injury.

Ergonomics Apps

User-friendly ergonomics apps for everyone.
And made easily accessible at your fingertips!

Our Clients

We work in a diverse range of industries and sectors such as oil and gas, utilities, open-pit mining, offices, laboratories, hospitals, food processing, and construction.