Are you ready for the new 2009 OHS Code?

In just a few weeks, on July 1, 2009, the changes to the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) code will take effect. Is your organization ready? According to an online brochure published by the Alberta Queen’s Printer, not only must an organization have a copy of the 2009 OHS code available in either electronic or print form for their workers, they must act to ensure their occupational health and safety regulations are updated and compliant for their own industry (to order). A great majority of Alberta organizations in various industries will be affected. To highlight just a few of the changes (taken from IMS Global Corp):
    • new requirements for lift calculations, tag lines and personnel baskets
    • healthcare requirements specific to patient/client/resident handling – this includes the use of machanical lifts and workers understanding how to handle patient lifts
    • distinguishing between ‘confined’ and ‘restricted’ spaces for entry permit systems
    • updates to better reflect current mining practices
Two of EWI’s consultants, Kirsten Willms of Calgary, and Erin Walkom, of Edmonton, will be attending a seminar put on by the Canadian Society of Safety Engineering to obtain a copy of the code as well as gain more insight into the changes. This information will be utilized and integrated into EWI’s ergonomic programs for our clients. Furthermore, EWI Works can use the information gained from research and sessions on the code changes to lighten the load on our clients. These changes might seem like an overwhelming task but EWI Works can help ease the transition through interpreting the code and determining how it applies to your organization. First, we can help analyse where you are currently at in terms of the 2006 code and provide feedback on where they should be in terms of being compliant with the new changes for 2009. From there, we can come up with an action plan and assist you in putting it into place. Are you ready for the new 2009 OHS Code? Don’t panic. Look at the changes as being a proactive and positive change for your organization and the health of your workers. Then, contact EWI Works to help you understand what the changes mean to you and how to move forward. EWI Works offers many services that can improve your quality of life. Find out more about our Online Training,Services, and Resources.  Follow us on Twitter for more updates and offers, or sign up for our newsletter at the bottom of our homepage.