EWI Works on CBC Radio – Standing work

Over the last 3 years, EWI Works has conducted a number of research reviews, field research projects and knowledge translation activities around office-based work postures. Our work has attempted to detail the truths and myths around sitting disease, and how various alternative workstations like standing desks and treadmill desks might impact on health outcomes – in both a positive and negative manner. More recently, we have completed a review of evidence-based methods for improving movement and avoiding sedentary issues. These include technological approaches, design approaches and organizational/social solutions.

All of the research and practice in this area has resulted in our company being recognized as a leader in workplace health and ergonomics. With the release of some new information regarding productivity improvements associated with standing office work, CBC Radio asked EWI Works to provide a review and comment on an upcoming study reviewing productivity and standing work. This included a review of the proposed findings, as well as a review of where this research may fit in relation to the larger body of research on office work postures and sedentary behaviors.

Dr. Linda Miller, OTD, OT(c), CCPE, EWI Works’ president, completed 10 interviews spanning across the country from Newfoundland and Labrador to British Columbia – including our home city of Edmonton, AB. Dr. David Antle, PhD, CCPE, EWI Works’ research director, completed a total of 10 interviews throughout Ontario, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and British Columbia.

We are very pleased to have been offered the opportunity to speak with the CBC Radio hosts, and answer their very interesting questions. We hope that the conversation on ergonomics, work posture, and strategies to vary and add movement into a workday will continue among all listeners.

To hear our interviews, please check the following links:


Dr. Miller’s Interview in Ottawa

Dr. Antle’s Interview in Toronto


To extend the conversation on available research surrounding health, productivity and working posture in the office, EWI Works is partnering with the American Occupational Therapy Association for a special webinar on these topics on June 7th, 2016. If you would like more information, or to perhaps listen in on the webinar – please contact David Antle (dantle@ewiworks.com) or Lorel Hammerstad (lhammerstad@ewiworks.com) at EWI Works to discuss.